Reefing newb
I am currectly running around 300 gallons in my basement, and when a fish comes unders stress, a breakout of ich lasts short term - and likely goes away in all my experience. I started a tank for my girlfriends 10 year old daughter, I drilled a 20G L tank and designed an overflow. A ten gallon sump with UV Sterilizer - protien skimmer, bioball drip area, and heater are in the sump. Basically a mini tank of my 120. Lighting is a 10K and Actinic. The system started fine and was up and running - cycled with live rock. The heater broke and killed 2 clowns that were in the tank, The tank was then left alone for a while and I decided to get the magnesium based material out of the sump, give it a good vaccume and clean it up. A baby sailfin was introduced and bam, it got hit with the fin rot. Ich looking, but then the cottonmouth. It ate the lips right off the fish. I tried to treat with API natural product - no luck. Then tried to mov to hospital to treat more aggressive. It died fast. Now it has been 3 weeks - no life in the tank, packed with liverock and some frags that ended up drifting around in my tank. I figures if the tank was empty the host would be absent and the virus or bacteria/fungus should die. The anemone was doing well and is the only thing that hasn't been effected. I fund another pair of perculas. they looked harty and I introduced them. They were fine for 3 days, now ich, and looks like a little rot on the fins. I picked up some erythromyacin by API and started to do a 1 hour drip a day in the I.V. bag that I have. ( No matter what chemical introduction , I always drip solutions). This is the 2nd day and I have seen no improvement. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get these clowns through the stage of adapting to their new environment? I have never really dealt with this and I guess on the level of one fish after another it concerns me. the waters Ph, alk or dkh is good, 8 ph, dkh 10, and calcium at 420. No ammonia, and no nitrites. Heres a few pictures