few more questions

Neno reefs

Reefing newb
I need to clean the tank out and then its time to fill:bounce:
but i got a couple of questions,

1: how much viniger should i use to clean the tank? (like 100% viniger or 50% viniger and 50% water)

2: Is there anything els i could/should use on the tank instead of viniger? (It once was a FW tank)

3: Do i need a refractometer right away or can i wait on that untill the tank is cycled?

4: The live rock i will be buying says to cure it for a week, how do i do that?
1. I never measure but 75% water and 25% vinegar

2. I would think that would suffice---Has there ever been any chemicals run through it when it was a freshwater tank?

3. How would you measure the initial salt mix? Not saying you need one right away just wondering what you use to check your mix to begin with.

4. How to Cure Live Rock

I am sure you will get more opinions as there are a lot of different ways you can do things.
1. I never measure but 75% water and 25% vinegar

2. I would think that would suffice---Has there ever been any chemicals run through it when it was a freshwater tank?

3. How would you measure the initial salt mix? Not saying you need one right away just wondering what you use to check your mix to begin with.

4. How to Cure Live Rock

I am sure you will get more opinions as there are a lot of different ways you can do things.

there hasn't been any big chemicals in it, just prziPro and thats supposed to be reef safe. Because there isn't going to be anything in the tank acept live rock, i thought i could follow this (below) and get away with not haveing a refractometer.

coppied from Saltwater Aquarium Salt Mix: Kent Marine Reef Salt Mix
To reach the recommended specific gravity of 1.024 to 1.026 for reef aquariums, dissolve an additional 2 tablespoons (1/2 cup + 2 tbsp) of KENT Marine Reef Salt per 1 gallon (3.8 L) of purified 78°F water. This will yield a solution with the following properties:
Specific Gravity: 1.024 - 1.026
pH: 8.2 to 8.3
Calcium: 550 to 575 ppm
Magnesium: 1,350 to 1,450 ppm

And do i need to even cure the rock counting its only 10 pounds and the tank is new?
Never used that kind of salt mix but I have never known any to be perfect everytime by just following the instructions. You want to check your salinity with something before introducing it to your tank even for a cycle batch. If you are going to cycle your tank I would put the dry rock in for the cycle and then you can seed it with the live rock.