

Nano Reefer
when feeding your fish things such as frozen mysis shrimp or brine shrimp. do you...

A.) put in frozen or fully thawed?
B.) thaw and then refreeze the brick to get only the desired portion?
C.) turn off powerheads when you put the food in?
D.) net out the remanding food after a minute or so?
I used a homemade frozen food now, but when I used store bought frozen, I would take a cube and put it in a plastic measuring spoon and rinse/thaw it in RO water to wash out the phosphates. (I have a RO/DI unit that has the storage tank so I have RO water at the sink.) When it's thawed, I would drop in a little at a time.
I do the same with the homemade frozen, but I just let it thaw then feed.

Not sure if fish get ice cream headaches...lol, but I never fed cold or still frozen food.
Geez thats a long time. What all do you have in your tank?

clown, tang, lawnmower blenny and a green cromis, a clown goby. i also have millions of pods for them to eat. i have tried to feed alage sheets for the tang but it wont eat them he just grazes of the rock and is doing great. i do have some hair and bryopsis that it is eating.
clown, tang, lawnmower blenny and a green cromis, a clown goby. i also have millions of pods for them to eat. i have tried to feed alage sheets for the tang but it wont eat them he just grazes of the rock and is doing great. i do have some hair and bryopsis that it is eating.

My sailfin LOVES the seaweed I put into the tank.
when i had my sailfin before the cat got him he loved the seeweed but this tang does not i am going to get a different kind to see if it will eat it .
I went almost a month and half without feeding my fish.But 3 fish in a 125 had plenty of natural food.Been feeding once a day since adding anthias.
I usually just rinse/thaw the cube in ro water,feed a little,then store whats not used in the fridge untill the next evening.
I also thaw a cube in a cup of saltwater from the tank, then just pour it in. No need to scoop the remaining out, the fish will eat it all...if you notice too much food still floating around after a few minutes, try feeding just half a cube.
Like Dustin and Lights, I thaw the cube completely in a cup of tank water. Squirt the food in the tank using a turkey baster, and put any leftovers in the fridge for the next time.
if you have small kids who like yogurt then you can try what I do. At the store they sell the "Trix" brand yogurt for kids and it comes in like a 6 pack....well those little plastic cups work perfectly for feeding your tanks. I keep every one of those cups. What I do is fill the cup halfway with aquarium water and drop a cube of mysis or brine in it and after a few minutes it thaws completely. Then I use an eye dropper (a 2-pack eye dropper can be purchased for like $2 at Walgreens or CVS) to suck up the food and then squirt the desired amount in each tank. This way you can make sure all of the food gets eaten and none gets trapped under live rock or whatever and limits the amount of disolved waste in the tank.

This is how I've been feeding for years. It's better than just dropping the whole cube in the tank. Continuosly dropping the cubes in your tank like that can lead to higher nitrates over time (especially if you neglect frequent water changes). Just my 2 cents.
do you just throw the rest away or put it in the fridge? I've read that thawing and refreezing frozen foods is bad and can hurt your fish over time. How long would the thawed shrimp be good if put back in the fridge?
You can just put it back in the fridge. I wouldn't let it sit in the fridge for more than a week. But I'd think any amount of time less than that would be fine. It's really just like any other type of raw meat or fish.
clown, tang, lawnmower blenny and a green cromis, a clown goby. i also have millions of pods for them to eat. i have tried to feed alage sheets for the tang but it wont eat them he just grazes of the rock and is doing great. i do have some hair and bryopsis that it is eating.

My foxface doesn't seem to want to eat the algae sheets I put in the tank, I've tried green and red algae sheets. I hope I'm not overfeeding them, I give them frozen mysis or flakes (I tried avoiding the flakes, but they just go NUTS eating them) in the morning and the evening....although I don't have many (if any) pods....

With the frozen I defrost it in a cup of tank water and pour it back it. I never have leftovers - if the fish don't eat it, the hermits/serpent stars/shrimp/skimmer take it.
