Feeding sun coral


According to the picture on LiveAquaria matching my new yellow coral. Its is definatley a Sun Coral.

LA says it should be fed at night (or when the flowers are open) with an eye dropper of brine shrimp. Would Myesis shrimp be ok? Does anyone have this coral? Also how do you supplement calcium iodine to corals?
yeah I have a sun coral not to bad to take care of and does grow at a nice clip.. mysis will be fine for it, that is what I use and it is doing nicely..

yours look like this?
It is important to try to get every head but if you see them connected by orange at their base they do share some food .. some form colonies while others stay sngle on the coral.. you will see what I mean it almost looks like an orange mat connecting them.. you can get them to start opening at a time you wish with patience I feed my tank with a baster at the same time Around 9:00pm and now have gotten to the point where they no it.. good luck and feed every couple days...
Do you have them in partial light down the side of a rock ? LA says they are found in their naturalk habitat down sides of rocks out of bright light.

As a beginner, I should probably stay w/corals that are self reliant.. I saw a nice looking corall pack on LA w/mushrooms.
I have them about 3/4 down the tank in a crevice between pieces of rock.. they are easy to care for as long as you dont mind feeding them.. :D
+1 to Marcah

I as well have a sun coral they are great if you feed them, I like to feed them right around the same time at night, the added benefit of feeding them around the same time is that they get used to it and begin to open up and are ready to accept the food. My method of feed them as with most of my softies is a turkey baster. Just make sure you don't blow the food firmly over them, I try to let them gently take it from the baster and naturally hold on to it them selves. Mine has taken off since I began doing this.
Oh, he (she) is so cute. The tank is nice too. Where do you get your Seahorses? I read on line last night thata brand new SH tank should be running empty for 4-5 months before stocking it. Thanks.:D
I've had a sun coral for a while and its been doing well. I have it under a scroll coral which shades it from the light and the result is that the polyps are open most of the time. I feed it mysis on occasion, but mostly I just feed the tank cyclopeeze, they'll grab that out of the water column.