Feeding Questions


Reef pro
1. Does anyone know how easily a lion fish would revert to eating only live food?

Reason i ask is I would love to have a lion fish and offer it live food on occasion however I dont think it would be healthy to feed them only ghost shrimp (which is the only live saltwater feeders i can find around here).

2. Has anyone on here had success with copperband butterfly? If so what do you feed them? Do they pick on certain stuff growing in the tank (ie particular type of algae, or as i have heard apstasia [spelling, i know])

thank you!
Lion fish really aren't bad about reverting back to just taking live foods,unless all they get is live.The lions at the LFS get a combination if live and frozen.Mainly because we like to watch predators in action.
Copperbands aren't herbivores.They are predators that specialize in fan and tube worms and some anemones.They'll readlly accept a meal of aiptasias and majanos.That's what makes them a tough fish to keep.Its hard to keep enough of the pests to sustain a copper band.
I've have no experience with lionfishes.

It took two,maybe three months before my copperband accepted frozen foods(mysis,Rod's Food).Before it started to accept frozen it cleared the tank of pest anemones,both aiptasias and majanos.It also ate things that look similar,zoas and clove polyps.I wouldn't get one unless you see it eating frozen.