feeding help


The Great Tang Herder
I am attempting to try and keep a naso tang, the last one starved to death so i need some help, he was eating just fine at the lfs and now he just hides whenever i feed him, he has only mbeen in the tank a couple of days but he still wont eat yet. ive tried algie stips and he wont even look at it. so how can i get him to eat, anyone have any ideas
I wouldn't worry about it just yet. He may just need to settle in and get comfortable before he starts to eat. Other than that the usual. Garlic and vitamins soaked into his food. Also try varying what you feed him. If none of these things work it'll be the 2nd one that you have starved to death. Way to go #1. :mrgreen:
I hear that getting on your knees and begging the fish can sometimes help. OH, and also you can get a little spoon and fly it around while making airplane noises and saying, "open the hangar door!"... it'll totally work. :D
the beginning of that coment almost scared me tank, wheeewww never start off telling a guy that getting on your knees:bowdown: will work:frustrat: you will just get the deer in the headlights look:mrgreen:
It's a type of macroalgae, lots of people keep it in their fuges.

I'm wondering about these tangs -- did you see them eating at the LFS? Or is that just what the LFS told you?
i never saw them eat but ive never had a problum with fish from them b4, the other one i had i ordered off line so thats the reason i went to the fish store this time. ill try some calerpra