Everythings a go


Reefing newb
I have set up my tank, I put already premixed RO saltwater in my tank. My fully cured live and base rock are being added as we speak, and my live sand and aragonite will be going in when the rest of my rock is put in. How long will it tank for my tank to cycle roughly? I know this all depends on the ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels. This being said when could I put in my cleaning crew? Thanks.

If that live rock was kept good and wet,then I'd say it'll be ready by the end of the week.Just test for ammonia and nitrites every couple of days just to be sure.
The live rock went from their aquarium to mine. It was out of water for maybe 10 minutes while I hauled it home. Also, when should I add my protein skimmer? I have no idea about them.
Please don't rush this along...you are responsible for an amazing amount of life in your tank as a reefkeeper. Take proper care of it - an extra week or two is but a blink of an eye. It is a promising thing that you want to learn about the hobby...do so and be patient...the slower you go the more stable your tank will be.
Cycles can go for anywhere up to about 2 months.

I agree with yote here, if you have kept it wet even on the way home, you could have less than a week of a cycle. BUT this also means add your fish really slowly, one a month is generally what is accepted as a theory.

check after 3 days then after a week, and you will probably see your changes in ammonia.

Good luck :)
Also, since you used half live and half base rock, it takes time for the base rock to build up bacterial colonies. You dont want to add fish faster than the bacteria can spread. Do like Jmck said, after the cycle, add one fish then make sure the levels stay good before adding more.

It is really easy to go to fast in this hobby. You are doing a great job of being patient :Cheers:
I cannot wait to see what grows on my live rock next! I think that I am more excited about the stuff on the rocks more than the fish. Having a good time watching everything grow. Thanks for all of the tips guys. Oh and one more question, when should I add my lighting? Thanks.