Erm...Odd Clowns?


Reefing newb
My clowns at night look like they are dying (after the lights go out). The almost flail about near the top of the tank, I tested the water and everything is perfect, there gills are functioning and they are eating so I know they aren't stressed... also have a picture... sorry took it from my wheelchair,

Clowns are just odd. I've given up trying to figure them out. There have been so many weird behaviors from mine :) As long as your params are good, and they're not breathing hard or have any visible illnesses, chances are they're just being themselves. Mine took to hanging out behind the overflow, towards the surface of the tank in the beginning. It's just now, 5 months later, that they've picked a spot in the rocks.
I covered my acan after I fed it last night with the top half of a water bottle. I walked by after lights out to see my clown in the bottle, freaking out. It was hilarious.
I freaked out one time because after the lights went out, one of my clowns was running (swimming?) headfirst into the glass over and over again. They are weird. For sure.
yea, I've had my clown for about a year now and when I first got him?/her I thought he was dying one night when I looked in the tank after lights out and he was floating sideways.. anyway, every night he?/she goes up to the top right back corner of the tank and floats on his side when sleeping... VERY odd..In the morning he?/she comes down and swims around all day but as soon as the lights turn off at midnight..... same routine for about a year now.. Probably because he doesn't have an anemone to host but I've heard way too many bad stories about them and filters and powerheads and wiping out the tank to get him one.
Yeah nems are hit and miss. I had one split during the night and then do thru a PH. Luckily my skimmer could handle it or I would have been screwed.
i feel the same, I am just not willing to risk it at this point. not so much the way they die and mess your water up, but more just the way they move all over and cause havoc in your tank. All my tank mates get along. I dont want to mess up a good thing
Anemones are great to have.They are awesome animals.
As long as their in their own tank.
I'll never keep another anemone in my reef tank.In one night my BTA stung and killed 7-$900 worth of SPS colonies,not frags,but colonies.