dying macro???


Reefing newb
I got a bunch of macro algae for my fuge and put it in there this last friday and i was gonna clean my skimmer today and noticed like 70% of it just dissapeared... i think it died and just kinda fell apart but i dont know why... i havelight on it 24/7 and good water flow. What more would it need? Also, how powerful of bulbs does it need??

p.s. it looks like its grape caleurpa

With that said, a lot of people run their lights 24/7 too and have good results. I don't know about that stuff as I don't have a refugium. Others will chime in with their expertise!
also, my baffle between my fuge and compartment where the sump is is just a pane of glass.. so some of the algae keeps going over it in the wrong compartment. What could i use to make a grate that would stick out of the water and keep the algae in there?? any ideas??
What is your water quality like? If you have really good water quality, it will die off because there aren't enough nutrients to feed it.
I used a piece of light diffuser grid (Home Depot) cut to size and secured it with all plastic clothes pins so it's not permanently fixed. I like to be able to take it out to clean it now and then. I put mine in at a sloping angle with just a little hanging over. Keeps my chaeto in the compartment where it belongs! :twocents:
I use a 26w cfl, 6400K. I had mine on 24/7, and my chaeto grew like crazy. I had bad results using a regular bulb before, mainly because the bulb grew too hot. The cfl stays cool. And it's about 6-10in from the water surface. Now, though, I've been running it opposite the tank lights, so lights are on for around 14-16 hours at night when the main tank lights go out. Trying to see if I get similar results. Dunno how sensitve caulerpa are.