dusty water and LR question


Reefing newb
I notice that there is a lot of what looks like dust blowing around in the tank. At first I thought it was only bubbles ,but when they died down and before they came back, the water still looks like it has dust blowing around, is this normal like maybe the diatoms are blowing around?
I've seen in several posts lately about scrubbing the LR. I have one piece that has something that could be scrubbed off. It's tan in color and when I took a piece off it's felt didn't feel slimy. but was kinda squishy. The rock underneath it looks like it has white powder on it. I don't really want to have to take the piece out since it is on the bottom and supporting all the other rocks. That and I finally like how I have the rocks placed.
it's been up a little over a week. Mechanical is a skimmer right? then no I don't have one. For a filter I have a fluval 305 (it's a 29Ga tank).
No,mechanical are sponges,floss,pads that remove the tiny particles and debris.I will guess you are since you have a canister.Sorry,I'm clueless at whats going on.
You could shut off power heads if you have any and let it settle leave the canister running it should clear up once it does turn power heads back on.
Also clean your filter media regularly during this time as it will clog pretty fast
I left off the power head last night. The bubbles died down. I took the directional baffle thingy off it this morning and that seems to have cut down on the bubbles. It's like the water was hitting that and creating bubbles.
So it's ok to clean the filter media in the filter during the waiting period? That shouldn't be a problem I just didn't think it was needed.
I did a water check and all my levels are still 0
I would clean the media every week so that it doesn't become part of the biological filter.Letting the beneficial bacteria accumulate in the media can lead to high nitrates.The live rock and sand is the bio-filter.
I cleaned out the filter and there was a bunch of stuff floating around in it so hopefully it will help. Darn thing blew a ton - o - bubbles into the tank when I turned it back on. Have to figure if I can avoid that next time.
I posted a pick of the LR I'm not sure about in the tank forum.
I Was Having Cloudy Water Conditions Also, I Started Run Chemi-pure And It Cleared Up Very Nice, Now I Just Use Carbon. I Get Micro-bubbles When My Water Levels Start Dropping, As Soon As I Top Off They Go Away.