Drugged Fish


Reef enthusiast
As everyone knows, fish are far more sensitive to environmental changes than humans, chlorine and chloramines, slight salinity changes, nitrates, etc.

I realize this is speculative, but I wonder if there is an effect of these drugs on tank livestock?

read more ... (it appears fish in lakes were affected)
Endocrine disruptors and human drugs have been known to cause problems like that in a long time. Basically every medication you take, you pee out. Where does that urine end up? At the treatment plant. However, treatment plants dfo not have the capability to filter out extremely small compounds and molecules like synthetic drugs and hormones. So the treated water ends up in streams and rivers, as do the chemicals.

Physiological effects have been seen not just in fish, but in reptiles and amphibians too. That's really only a problem if you use tap water in your tank, and even then, they would have to be exposed to very high levels of those chemicals.
Modern medicine is great stuff, dont find the problem just treat the symptoms. Doctors are the biggest drug dealers of all.
Nope I dont think so, or at least I hope not, I dont think he prescribes med those a psychiatrists not psycologist, big difference one treat the problem the other treats the symptoms.
I agree with Ryan.A lot of doctors just wont spend the time to figure out whats wrong anymore.The more people that see the more money they make.So they say to heck with it and give you something to make you feel beeter right now.
Humans are the worst thing to ever come along on the planet.We take what the man upstairs built and destroy it.
that make me think about when i went to the doctor a couple months ago for my knee. the doctor ended up telling me that i was born with this problem. but if i was born with it why did it not hurt for the last 27 years?????? i walked out of the office that day.
when I was in middle school my doctor who was a sports medicine doctor told me that I would get shin splints a lot because of sports and that my legs were prone to it. Now I am 28 and have never had a shin splint in my life. I have never even sprained my ankle more than a tweak. Sometimes doctors have no clue what they are saying, they just say as much as they can in order to give the patient a reason why they are hurting at the moment.
Shin splints SUCK Matt when I was a skinny little shit I was a runner well a sprinter actually, I had shin splint every year! They are some of the most painful oredeals I have ever gone through in my life 3/4 inch separation every time, heat then ice was the only thing that helped.