Dosing Iodine


Reef Addicted!
I have two huge colonies of silver and one pom pom...they are isolated toward the front of the tank on their own rocks to keep them from spreading..but anyway, the stalks have always been thick and healthy. I used to dose Iodine but then read..not to dose without knowing what your iodine levels are seems since I quit my silver looks really bad. the stalks are twisting and breaking off. (and shrinking)
I think I was over dosing Iodine because some of my green corals were turning pale and yellow..but the xenias looked awesome!
What is a safe dose and how much for a 75 that has quite a bit of a coral load?
get a test for iodine. not shure what the levels should be usually water changes take care of that. xenia is one of those corals that thirive or they dont. i am finally getting rid of all my xenia.
I would like to get rid of mine too..they are attached to very nice rocks and I don't know one other person that has this hobby and can't throw them in the trash...too cruel.
oh if you get a xenia problem like i had and still kinda have you will think twice about throwing them in the trash. at one time they took up 75% of my tank i have been slowely getting rid of them.
well so far I've managed to isolate them and find the break offs in time...but they are so time consuming! ..(all the's worse than my vegetable garden).
I agree with Daugherty. They became such terrible pests in an old tank of mine that I'd just put them down the garbage disposal.