Do You Play God?


Stop Quoting Me!
Last night when the LR server went down I went on a local reefer site and found a guy with 200 nass snails. He was selling them 3 for $1. I PM'd him and picked up 30 last night at midnight. (I've picked up alot of things at midnight, I've never picked up snails!:D)

This morning I wake up come down to the tank, and there's 2 hermits on one of the snails, trying to evict him. I reached into the tank with my tongs and took the 2 hermits out and threw them in the sump.

So the question is, do you guys play god? If you see fish fighting, etc. do you step in and stop it or do you let nature take it's course?
Ive definanlty dont that. Picked up coral that something knocks over. I figure if we didnt play god, then the fish and other live stock would still be in the ocean. Atleast I could be a benevolent god and save them from certain death.
I think we all do to some extent when it comes to our tanks.
I dont think anybody in their right mind wants to see a 30 dollar fish kill a 100 dollar fish or coral.
I'm not playing God, I'm just helping him out by helping to save his creation, but sometimes we have to sit back and let nature run it's's the circle of life :)
When I seen a gang of crabs pull out my Konch and eat him, all but 2 very small ones went back to the LFS. I'm joining the " Crabs are EVIL" society !!!!
I've pulled crabs off of other animals all the time. I want to try to save all the animals in my tank that I can. I know that if the crabs don't eat that snail they will be just fine -- there are plenty of other things they can eat. But if they eat that snail, it's the certain end for that guy!
When I seen a gang of crabs pull out my Konch and eat him, all but 2 very small ones went back to the LFS. I'm joining the " Crabs are EVIL" society !!!!

Me too. I removed all my crabs today. Sick of them trying to eat my snails. The crabs can live in the fuge. If they don't like it, they can move to another house.