Dirty Sump


Reefing newb
I have some stuff collecting in the bottom of my sump and I am not sure what it is. I am working on combining one chamber of my sump with the makings of a fuge. I have maybe a gallon of cheato and some live rock chunks.

The problem is: Under that on the bare glass is some brownish material collecting and I am not sure if it is plant material dieing off and floating down or fish waste. I was thinking about putting live sand at the bottom but will that help or hurt the issue?
That is most likely detrius that is collecting. I would syphon it out before adding the sand. Also not sure if the sand would prevent more from collecting.
It's a pain! It is so hard to get it out of my sump when I do water changes...I guess what I was hoping for is putting live sand down there and maybe a crab or two and letting them do the work?

My sump has relatively low flow...about 300GPH so I don't think that is too fast for a mini-fuge? I am also trying to get pods seeded down there!