Decisions decisions


Reefing newb
After setting up my 180g tank and leaving it run in my old office area of the house and neglecting it, its time move forward. Last week I just moved it into our game room and I need to decide what direction I want to go. I thought about doing a FOWLR tank and having lion fish and triggers tangs and what not but Id kinda like to have some coral and stuff in there. I also thought about if if do make it a FOWLR tank is to buy a frag tank and put next to it. Input would be greatly appreciated. (I also have my sons 55g tank that is rolling along nicely. It has some colt, zoa's and a few other typse of coral)
Do you already have lights and filtration for it? If not, you will have to get good (expensive) equipment to turn it into a reef. It is definitely cheaper to use it as a FOWLR tank, and a 180 is a good size for that.
My suggestion then is to look at some lighting sufficient to support a reef in a 180. If it's in your budget, then by all means go reef!