Dead Fish in Marine Cuisine food


Broke Reefer!
Thawed a cube of marine cuisine yesterday to feed my fish and there was a tiny dead fish in the cube :shock: I obviously didn't feed it to my fish, but am wondering if I should be concerned about the food. Can a dead fish in the food make the food go bad?
All the cube is really are dead animals.
Mysis shrimp cubes when unfrozen just become a pile of shrimp.
Tis what the fish eat , other fish. Or veggies.
if a fish dies in my tank i leave it in , its part of the cycle , like hammer said i wouldnt worry its just blended dead things
I'm confused... It's a carnivore formula. What did you think carnivorous fish eat? Cauliflower? :) Fish food is made out of fish. If you doubt it, you can read the ingredients list.
Sorry, I guess it was a dumb question! I'm just used to seeing the mysis and other small shrimp and critters in the cubes, not a 1/2" fish with eyes LOL. Obviously I know that the marine cuisine is a meaty preparation and that that's what my fish like... I guess I was just thinking that a dead shrimp causes less ammonia than a dead fish and wondered if it would somehow cause a problem. It really was a pretty dumb question now that I think about it. Just one of those days I guess *sigh*