Dead Bangi Cardinal

Banana Man

Reefing newb
So I have my first dead fish. My Bangi Cardinal has died just over a week since I put it in. Nitrites and Nitrates are fine but I had noticed he didn't seem to be eating the last few days. Anything I should be looking out for in my tank now?
I think he was already sick when you bought him. It happens. Sorry to hear :( Just make sure they're eating at the LFS before you buy fish. I've never had an LFS refuse to feed a fish in front of me.
On another note I have 3 cleaner snails but have not seen 3 in my tank at any one time for over a week now. At first I thought one or two were in the back section with the heater and filter, etc, but now I'm beginning to worry one has died back there and I can't get at him. If a snail dies and is left in the tank will it end up killing everything? Could be why the Cardinal died also!
What kind of snails are they? It's doubtful that a dead snail could harm the rest of the tank. The rest of your clean up crew should make quick work of any bodies. If you see a dead body and it's accessible, I'd remove it, but if you can't find it, don't sweat it. Someone will eat it. :)

If a snail dying is bad enough to harm your tank, you will see an ammonia and/or nitrite spike.