CUC suggestions for my 55 gallon


Reefing newb
Well I have a pepermint shrimp and a couple of hermit crabs that I bought at the local LFS.....Question is I want some snails and mabye a crab but need a good number, and KIND of each in a 55 gallon tank.......The LFS doesnt have a ton of anything But said he could order me what ever I needed.....Its a new tank mabye 2 months old and am starting to get green on my glass so I figured I would get some snails
Can I add another pepermint or mabye another kind of shrimp???? just dont want to get to many and starve them
One suggestion though... he sells Limpets and I've never had luck with those surviving. I don't think any have survived in my tank. It might just be me, but I'd skip those. Get extra blue leg hermits, cerith snails or turbo snails instead.
in my 55 I currently have 1 pepp, 1 cleaner, 1 arrow crab I picked up from a dive, 2 red hermits, 3 turbos, somewhere around 12 blue legs (can't keep track of those little guys), 6 astrea, 2 star astrea, maybe 10 nass (mostly tongas with a few regular)

its hard to keep track of all the little guys. My 55 has been up for a month or so now. I just added some cleaners last week after I saw some build up.
well here is the sugestion from the cleanup lfs
30 Dwarf Ceriths - small effective cleaners
12 Nassarius
12 Florida Ceriths
9 Blue Legs
11 Large Nerite
what do ya think
well here is the sugestion from the cleanup lfs
30 Dwarf Ceriths - small effective cleaners
12 Nassarius
12 Florida Ceriths
9 Blue Legs
11 Large Nerite
what do ya think

I wouldnt add them all at once.Maybe go 1/4 of each,then add more if they cant keep up with the job.

I thought Nerite snails were for freshwater????

There actually found in the surf zones on rocky shore lines and brackish areas.