Cracked DE HQI bulb


Reefing newb
I really apologize for creating a new thread, but one of my halides have been intermittently failing to fire up. When that happens, you can see an arc of electricity flow through the tube, kind of like those crystal ball things at Spencer's. But it never lights up all the way. This morning, it happened again, so I took the bulb out to examine for corrosion and found a crack on the inner glass tube that houses the gases.

This bulb was shipped and already installed with my SunPod, so I contacted Marine Depot about the problem. Do you think this crack would cause the bulb not to fire up, or could it be a ballast problem? I noticed the times the bulb did start up, if I moved the power wires, it would flicker sometimes. Don't know if that makes any difference ...


My guess is that the bulb is damaged and the ballast is okay.I would give Marine Depot a call or the manufacturer.Remember never to touch the bulbs with your bare hands.Oil,moisture from your hand or from the tank will cause a MH bulb to crack.