

I failed Kobayashi Maru
Got a small tiny leak in my sump :grumble:

It's in the main return section of the tub. Luckily, I caught it. I always check the floor for wet spots, and I just saw this today. It's a very very slow but definite leak. So, I'm going to drain it, and just use another tub for now because I might just use a 20g. But I have to take the baffles off.

Could be check valve of my imaginary tank could've gotten stuck and flooded my bomb shelter :mrgreen:


The crack:
Drained it, and inspected it. It is a micro crack, and I don't even see it at the bottom part, just the inside. It would only really leak when the water was gushing onto it, forcing water out.

I used epoxy (the kind that comes in 2 tubes and you combine them), but I think I'll just buy a new tub tomorrow. For now, I've got the powerheads in the tank pointing upwards for movement and oxygen. I can't fill up any backup tubs right now anyway because I've got to make more rodi.

*sigh* Wasn't planning on spending labor day weekend fixing a leak :(
Got the new tub....exact same one I had last time. Filling it up with rodi. Good thing I still have a ton of salt :shock:

Fish look like they did ok w/o the sump. Just pointed one of the K4's to the surface, and the other left as is to keep water flowing around. Forgot the heater, but at least it's summer! Temp didn't go down much.
Well, I was due a water change anyway. It's going to be something like a 25% wc. I considered redesigning the sump a little, but I like all the space I have in the current setup to do my maintenance. Plus the large tub affords me space for a failed check valve. While I was dismantling the sump, I went ahead and cleaned out the check valve, and made sure it was working.'d think I'd have learned my lesson in not using this same tub....same thing happened...microcracks in the base caused more leaking. I have to regroup and rethink my setup. Bummer. Using my old 20g baffled refugium/sump temporarily.
New tub, new attempt. I got a smaller tub this time...sterilite. Might work out better, as it's not as long, and won't bow out as much. We shall see! I know the fish are pissed cuz their perfect little clear world has become cloudy hehehe.
I've been thinking about using two of them, one stacked inside the other to try to help them keep their shape when full.
You could try a round tub too. Round is the most stable shape because the pressure is distributed equally against all areas.

Yeah....I love the round tubs....I have one that I use to make saltwater, but I didn't feel like going out and buying one just yet. I'd need a larger one than what I have now. I know that's what you use on your chaeto.

I've been thinking about using two of them, one stacked inside the other to try to help them keep their shape when full.

I have 2 of the sterilite tubs and I did consider stacking them for extra support...but when I would get microleaks in the other tub, the leaks would happen along the grooves at the bottom...and the sterilites I have have that groove at the bottom, and considering there was still a gap between the 2 tubs, I figured it would cause stress. It might just be my bad luck. I don't hear many people springing leaks in their plastic tubs.

I think problem solved for now :)