Corals on White Disks


Reefing newb
Hi! I am happy to report that after my power outage disaster 3 months ago, my tank is coming back to life. Rocks, snails, some hermits. Got a powerful new lighting system and the water levels have been stable fro almost two months.

So I finally got some coral. A little ten pack of small corals. Indeed, the tank conditions seem excellent as the corals opened in an hour or so. Also made sure there were several cross-currents running around from my jets and all seems well. Soon the first fish will appear - probably two clowns.

What I'm wondering is this. While some of the corals came on a tiny rock, easily set into rock-work, others came on little white stone disks, about two inches long. Right now I set them on top of the rocks, but I'm wondering if or how they can spread from the white disk? It almost looks like a little curio ornament on the rock, but how do I get it to eventually grow ON the actual live rock in the tank? Any tips appreciated! -Robert
Depending on what kind of coral it is, it will grow onto and over the disk/tile/plug. It is actually a vary common way of attaching frags in the hobby.
yeah, I like to break them off the frag plugs and place them directly onto my rock using superglue "Gel". Otherwise like they said you can stick the frag plug in a hole/crack or break the frag plug up however you like then place it with glue or something :)