corals dividing tank


Reefing newb
Just curious has anyone used corals to completly divide 2 sections of there tank to house two types of fish a the same tank.
example sea horses and preditory fish?
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I think the fish would eventually find their way thru the corals to the other side. They would need a secure barrier to keep the two sides separated.
there would be a divider inbetween the corals but the corals would be there to make the tank have a more natural look instead of a man made divider

Is the some type of netting i would be able to use?
Yes, there are some types of netting that would work, i cant remember the name of the stuff now, but its plastic and UV resistant so it wont break down. But it will grow algae and look really ugly really fast.

Also seahorses require such different conditions (lighting, temperature, flow etc) that even if you divide the tank, it wouldnt be smart to keep them in there.
What temp do they require? I have 2 diffrent types of lights coral and non coral and flow should not be an issue with mutiple powerheads.
Seahorses need to be in much cooler water, dont like much light or flow. Also not all corals are safe to keep with seahorses, they can be stun by the coral or they can kill the coral by constantly hitching on them.