coraline algea


Reefing newb
I took my dad and step mom to the LPS. They are now setting up an aquarium tomorrow. When they were buying live rock the guy helping us gave them a rock from a display and had the purple coraline algae on it. Will it live without light. I placed it in my tank and I have a small flouresent light on it. I think its 15 watt blue and white light. If it needs light will that be enough till they get a light fixture built.
It will be fine without light for a few days and maybe longer.

Not sure if thats enough light to sustain it for a long amount of time. Someone will probably chime in though!
most coraline will end up turning white after being exposed to air even for a few seconds.
but dont sweat it, good water conditions make for fast growing coraline. specifically calcium and alkalinity