Coral suggestions.


Reefing newb
For an tank that has held healthy fish for a month after cycling.

With this current lighting: Three: 28 watt 10K along with Three: 28 watt True Actinic T5 bulbs

And these tank dimensions 60 x 18 x 26 (120 gallon). What are some good hearty corals to start off with. Is there anything that 2 clowns could have fun with?
Is your fixture the full 60 inches? 6 28 watt bulbs is only 168 watts, which is pretty low light, I dont think anything but mushrooms and zoas will do well long term under those lights

Clowns hosting corals or 'nems in our tanks is hit or miss - sometimes they will host and other times they will not

As far as starter corals, look into mushrooms, leathers, zoanthids, palythoas, Green Star Polyps, or Xenia
Okay I will start out with the low light corals.

They are 48" fixtures. I have room for another strip of light. Would you suggest just putting another 2 bulbs like I have or go with something like LED that gets more depth? It can be 48" long and up to 5" wide. What would you suggest the best bang-for-the-buck is to make my setup more coral efficient?
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Is your fixture a T5 HO fixture? Looking at the 48" T5 fixtures meant for saltwater, they're running 54 watt bulbs.

If its a T8 fixture, I would honestly scrap it and get the proper fixture for your tank. At ~1 watt a gallon, I actually wound not reccommend putting any coral in your tank. I would take the money you were planning to spend on corals and buy a decent T5 fixture for your tank. Something like this...

Aquarium Lighting for Reef Systems: Current Nova Extreme Pro T-5 Fixtures

But buy the 60" version, not the 48" version - you want the fixture to span the entire tank