Compatible Fish?


Reefing newb
We have had our tank for a couple of years now and have not really had any problems until lately. We were having an algae outbreak for some reason that we can't figure out, but we were told a lawnmower blenny would be a good addition and should take care of the algae. We talked to the folks at the local store we get our fish from and they told us we shouldn't have any compatability problems with our existing fish. We've had the blenny in the tank a couple of days now and I've not noticed it eating or moving around a whole lot but just a little while ago, it started aggressively attacking the diamond goby that we have had since starting the tank. It has bitten a good portion of the goby's fins off very quickly. We've turned the lights out and the fish have gone to seperate corners for the mean time. Is this normal for a blenny to be aggressive? Is there anything that we can do to keep both of the fish? I really like the goby and it's fun to watch but I really need something to tame the algae growth.
Yes,it is normal for blennies to be aggressive to its own kind and any fish with a similar shape(elongated).

Your tank may not be big enough for both to co-exist.
Hello and welcome to the is normal for them to become aggressive, you may have to get rid of it, and focus on why you're getting the algae and how to fight it.