

Got Fish?
I have two clownfish who are taken with hanging out inside a coral plant I can barely see them 1/2 the I got them an anemone. They won't have anything to do with it. They still only hang out in the coral. The anomone I got is from the Atlantic (called 'pink tipped'?). Should I try a Pacific?...Maybe a rose bud or something? I'd like to get them more out in the open. Thanks for your thoughts...:frustrat:
i had a couple of clowns that hosted in my hairy mushrooms and it took them awile to actaully take to the anemone. and are they tank breed clowns if so it will take them longer to host the anemone. you will just have to be patient and wait to see if the will host it, i have 5 different type of anemones and my clowns actually host all of them:D
There is no guarantee that the clowns will host your anenome. I had a BTA and my clowns ignored it for other corals. I had to get rid of the anenome. Whatever you get they might not host that either. I know several people that had no luck when they got an anenome. Here are some pics of mine hosting corals instead.


My clown is very strange. It wont host anything and only likes the front portion of the tank. It never or rarely swims around the rockwork or in the open water. It just rides the glass up and down. I think it might be a bit touched in the brain department.
Thanks for all the feedback. I ended up putting a rose-bud anemone in the tank yesterday. I'm interested to see if they'll take to that one instead of the coral. They still pay no attention to the condy. :)
my clowns have hosted to the powerhead, they have plenty of corals and things to host, but they seem to think that getting stuck is the way to be lol
MY clowns did the same thing. In fact thats why my son gave them to me and he bought maroon clowns who host more aggressively. After I had them a few months..they began hosting like crazy. Like others they host the frogspawn and rocordia. I have two anenomies they ignore. I suggest give it time. We thought because they were tank raised they weren't hosting instinctively...but not so. Maybe young.