Clown Goby


Team Liquid Force
I bought a clown goby yesterday and he seems to be very inactive. He just chills in the lower corner of the tank. He looks healthy and my water is in check. Is this normal for a newly acclimated Clown Goby?

I am worried, he is too cute to kill.
He might be getting used to the tank. I have had fish before that didnt really get active for a few days I think there just a little scared and need to get used to the change. If hes eating and the perameters are fine I would just say give him alittle more time. Let us know if he gets active.
my blue tang was the same way, give him a few days and just keep an eye on him.most my fish that have struggled seem to adjust faster during a tanks dark period.
Sounds good.

Lastnight I was watching the tank like usuall, and I saw my black clown go down to the goby and it looked like he was trying to teach him to swim, it was real cute. Thought that was pretty funny.
Look who's out and about. He sure loves his mysis shrimp:^: