Clown Gobies Questions


I know that I don't know
As many of you know, I had a yellow clown goby that didn't eat very well and eventally died. I have done alot of reading on them and saw an article on, I think, that said many of the clown gobies found in the LFS and pet trade are emaciated by the time they get to the store due to the stress they undergo.

I have seen many more skinny ones than chubby ones in the pet stores. Today I saw a nice fat black clown goby. They have had them for awhile.

Is it more common to see skinny clown gobies in the LFS?

Another thing the article mentioned was that you may have to feed them live food and then wean them to frozen foods.
Has anyone had this experience feeding clown gobies?

Doing my research before purchasing.
I'd say that's its more of a case that the LFS isn't taking proper care of the gobies.
Yes,Just like any other fish,you'll find one that just wont accept anything but live foods.Those need to be trained to eat frozen. But they usually take to it pretty quick.
Honestly, as long as I've been helping at the LFS, I can only remember one little clown goby that DIDN"T take frozen foods. I wont say we haven't lost any,but most of are ready to eat as soon their in the tank.

Anytime a fish is tossed in a plastic bag and shipped,it causes them stress. Stress is the number one reason we loose fish.
I understand the shipping process causes stress but I guess some have more stress than others and all fish handle it differently just like people.
When I am stressed, I eat. My sister doesn't. That's why she is skinnier than me. LOL
I understand the shipping process causes stress but I guess some have more stress than others and all fish handle it differently just like people.
When I am stressed, I eat. My sister doesn't. That's why she is skinnier than me. LOL

Must be why the wife's skinnier than me too then.:grumble:
i bought a clown gobbie from my lfs, and he was in pretty rough shape, but he's taking to some flake food and sometimes frozen, but his color is starting to come back and he looks pretty vibrant, a friend of mine ordered his and it was stressed as all get out