clown fish

Coral Cobb

Reefing newb
I Added 4 total 2 died from starvation and the other 2 wont eat either, i have small pellets, frozen brine shrimp and plankton. Remedy please!
You shouldn't be keeping 4. They will usually fight til the death. Clowns should be kept alone, or in pairs. They are not group animals.

What kind of clowns did you get? Did you buy really small ones? Sometimes if you buy really small ones, getting them to eat can be a challenge. They are best left at the store until they are larger, in that case.

If I were you, I'd try a variety of frozen foods. You can find several types of frozen foods at Petsmart or Petco. Try mysis shrimp, Marine Cuisine Emerald Entree. If you added them recently, it can take several days for them to start eating.

Also, what is your water quality like? Do they have enough rock for hiding places? If your tank is very new or if your water quality is poor, they will be so stressed that they won't eat.

Do you have enough water movement? In a 55 gallon tank, you should have several powerheads. Not enough water movement will stress them too.
Biff and Bj are right.
Clowns dont like other clowns unless their a pair.Once they've started changing to either male or female,that wont allow other clowns in their territory.
A key to feeding as mentioned above is variety. I feed mine flake, frozen mysis and frozen brine(make sure it`s vitamin fortified brine). Just feeding regular brine is not nutritional. Kind of like us sitting down for supper to a plate of twinkies.
thanks, i added 2 then one died and iwent and added 2 more now im down to one, i have two emperor 280's and a stage 4 power head, i thought i had too much water movement, my dorn damsel is the only one surviving... and no he is not aggressive like alot of info stated, they swim together most of the time. if this last one dies i will have to try a different approach. Acclimation was 1hr drip effect for all of them.
Like Biff and Yote stated, unless you have a ginormous tank where the clowns can have their own territory, it's unsafe to have more than 2 clowns. Also, the clowns need to be the same species of clowns, i.e: 2 false pers, 2 picasso's, 2 maroons's, etc.

I hope everything turns out for you!!