Cloudy Water

Good tips guys....No I do not dose. Except for some mushrooms, I'm FOWLR.

It's possible I'm overfeeding. I only feed once a day (my tank's still too new to not feed everyday), but I think lately, I've been putting in too much. Nothing died. All fish are accounted for. I doubt 1 or 2 dead cuc would cause this type of cloudiness. Guess I'll check my params.
I have an hour or two of cloudy water after feeding Rod's frozen food. I've just learned to live with it because everyone likes it so much. It's the only time that everybody comes out at feeding time!
JMO but ,I would bet it has something to do with the type of food your feeding rather than how often.I feed my tank 3x a day ,everyday....water is fine...
You could probably run some carbon too if it doesn't clear up soon..
Yeah no clue. Ammonia & Nitrites 0, Nitrates around 15ppm, phosphates are 0. salinity is 1.025. Temp has been steady at around 78 (both thermometers show matching readings -- one in the dt, one in the sump). Feeding habits haven't changed, except that I've been using soaking the food in garlic for 2 weeks. I toss in a few Spectrum pellets once a week or so, and only a few but they end up gobbled up really fast by the goby or the cuc.

Nothing new added, and again, fish all accounted for -- healthy and eating. The only thing different is that it's been EXTREMELY muggy and hot outside...but inside, temperature has been constant. But really, that's about it.

I'll probably do a big water change this week. I'm due for one.

EDIT: Could bad t5 bulbs cause any algae blooms? And if it IS an algae bloom, wouldn't it show in my phos test? I have chaeto in my fuge as well, which helps keep my algae in check.
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yes, they can, and no it might not. The algae would eat up the phos, so you can still test at zero PO4 but actually have quite a lot in there... but if it were algae, it wouldn't be white
Types of cloudy water.....bacteria bloom,algae bloom,algae going asexual,calcium precipitation,bad/old salt mix.

To answer your question about phosphate and algae blooms.Not necessary will you get phosphate with an algae bloom.The chaeto and othe macro-algae could be consuming it faster then it would show up in a test.It's also odd/unusual to get a algae bloom in a mature system but it is possible.
Well, my system's not mature -- it's only 6 months old. That's not considered mature, is it? It's just perplexing to me. I shouldn't worry though, right? Everyone seems oblivious to it.