Cloudy Water


Member of Dfwmas
In the last two weeks Ive noticed that when I do a water change that my water would become cloudy the next morning after the lights come back on.The only diffrence is that Ive been doing my water changes around midnight instead of around 12 noon.Ive check paremeters while the tank was cloudy..Everything is in normal paremeters insept for a low am ph of 8.0 instead of the norm of 8.1. I normaly do 15-20 percent of the tanks water weekly . The only thing I add Is essential elemnts when I by pass a week.Anyone ever hear of this before?Also one power head stopped working two days before hand.
Well it is just speculation. could be a number of things causing it. but, since you have been doing this for a while I would think it is either your mixture is not mixed well enough before adding to the system, or, you initially have an imbalance and you are getting parcipitation calcium, phosphate, etc. seems though your filtration, skimming, or water circulation may be lacking. hope something here is helpful, very hard to determine the exact cause with the limited infromation given. Try taking a power head or pump and blow the substait and rock a bit and see if that does not develope the same effect. if it does you may be stirring up the bottom and it is taking a while to clear. dont blast it just move the water around the crevices and places where detritus builds up. hope this helps. good luck keep us posted.
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Figured it out.I decided to sit down and figure out whats going on this morning becase I came home and poof another dust storm.So Im thinking to myself it cant be the water changes and I look up and my actinics were flashing and then turned off. So I sat there for a min and I noticed my powerheads were going crazy. One would start rotating stop and then the other three were moving and stopping together. So I was looking over the electrical work and noticed the actual plug was black(plug to the strip had been half way pulled out).Replace the plug and strip and everything seems to be working..Also changed positioning of powerheads to get some circulation in the dead areas..About the water changes,I only have a 29 gallon so things can take a bad course before u know it.I just fill safer, Also I have a large bio load becase of a tank that was destroyed . So I have corals on top of corals that are probably to close for comfort and Im sure someone is playing a little chemical warfare. I have a 90 gallon on the way so I can get my other half back from the Lfs before they start selling my frags..Also anyone live in Dallas Fort Worth we are having are Annual Frag swap this weekend (Pm me for details).Thanks for the time and effort!:bowdown: