Clear bubbles

oh no! it sounds like!!! bubbles... haha everything gets bubbles on it? it could be algae releasing gas under the lights [theres a term for it] at a certain time of day... or if its a new heater the plastic can sometimes cause bubbles until it has a nice layer of "tank juice" on it.. i wouldnt worry about it unless some type of algae is making a structure out of the bubble.... pictures always help for specification though
yea i know! wish i had a camera that could shoot some decent pix.....idk how to explain it to you guys/gals one of the lfs here some of their tanks with just LR are just straight nasty with red slime and all sorts of other shit in them and they also have these clear bubbles all over their tanks, so it got me a lil worried!!! Dang...idk
They have deminished to only a few bubbles now. IDK how it got there or what it is but they were see through, just looks like a normal time i got to the lfs ima take a pic of their nasty tank to show everyone what it looked like...give me a few days, ill repost.
Probably eith like Lilduud said and is some algae on the heater.Or could be that there are some exlremely small micro bubbles in your water thats sticking to the heater.
But I'm going with the algae.