Chromis went missing : /


life's a beach
I bought a red brittle starfish Saturday.

Sunday I bought two chromis.

Now I have one chromis and he has a long scratch on the side of his body, other one is totally MIA. Was it the starfish? My clowns hang out around him all night..What do you think?

I really liked those fish too. I swear, I can't keep fish alive but I have really good success with almost all the coral I've kept. So backwards.
Yeah, only have the two clowns. The chromis that's left has no fin damage...and when all four of them were together, they never showed any aggression(like snipping) at eachother...damn, hope it wasn't them.
Chromis are easy targets for stars at night. The Chromis lay and hide in the rocks and are easy catches for the starfish. I know for a fact I have lost several small Chromis that way.
Chromis can have a hard time acclimating to a new environment sometimes.But once they've gotten acclimated,their pretty easy to keep.So it could have just been the luck of the draw.