Change is supposedly inevitable as the alternaive is ignorance.


Reefing newb
"Keeping an open mind for new techniques and new approaches is a requisite to success. If you remain stuck in the paradigm you are now in you will not be making progress. Be willing to look at alternatives and to adopt new methods. What worked for you for years may still be fine but there may just be a better way to do so. With an open mind approach you will be able to accept this fact. If you remain stuck in your belief systems (paradigms) you will not."

Jhnrb wrote this apparently quite a while back as it is from one of the most viewed threads selection. I think it is a great Quote.
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Not to be the pessimistic one, as well as state the obvious, but change is only good when it is for the better. Change purely for the sake of change itself is meaningless.

That said, I strongly agree with statement.
Change merely for the sake of change rates right in there with ignorance. Growth/change is based on learning. Change without learning is still a lack of learning so technically it is still ignorance. Some people only learn through their own failings or mistakes, some people can also learn through others mistakes and failings and the gifted ones do both plus they learns through the teachings of others as well. That is why a person with a high IQ can still be ignorant. For an example some people would say I am ignorant in ways be cause I have learned to accept and use few of the standard social skills used by the majority. Or because I tend to shut my brain off from learning some topics in academia which I do not like such as sociology/anthropology/psychology. However I do not have a low IQ, I just shut my self off from change because I do not like a topic or instructor/teacher/professor etc.
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Change merely for the sake of change rates right in there with ignorance. Growth/change is based on learning. Change without learning is still a lack of learning so technically it is still ignorance. Some people only learn through their own failings or mistakes, some people can also learn through others mistakes and failings and the gifted ones do both plus they learns through the teachings of others as well.

Well said!