Chaeto vs 800w heater


Reefing newb
I have my 800W heater in the same compartment as my chaeto.They don't physically touch but are about 4-6 inches apart. I figured the water doesn't get super hot so it should be ok. But my chaeto is dying. It has not grown a bit and is starting to fall apart. Its color is faded looking too. I'm not sure if it is the light or the heat or both? My light over it is a little 40w florescent strip light.
I would think the heat in that compartment is quite a bit hotter than the rest of the tank when the heater is on. I think it could be problematic.
+1 smitty.

My first attempt at chaeto in my fuge was a failure....i didn't have proper lighting (I used a regular 60w lightbulb cuz at the time, i couldnt' find cfl's) Within a month or less, the chaeto was paler and paler....then I poked it, and it collapsed.

I bought a new ball, up'd the lighting to a CFL floodlight that, I think is a 26w that is equivalent to 100w, and it did the trick. I have minimal flow in there--in fact, the flow is just enough to keep the surface rippling. And it grew so fast, that within a couple of months or so, I had to rip out half of it. I sold it to my LFS.

P.S...+1 dcan, makes sense for it to heat up faster, but depends on your flow. As I said, I have MINIMAL flow in there...just enough to ripple the surface, so as you can imagine, the water flowing out is not much. I would move it elsewhere if you can.
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The flow is high since it is in line with the skimmer/sump and the return pump is pushing out about 600gph. I'm going to switch to a CFL and move the heater out (for now). I hope it doesn't die.
Well, when my first ball of chaeto died, i pulled out most of it but left behind some scattered pieces....and guess what..those grew too once i changed the light and added more chaeto :)