can't be good ???


Tiny Tank Club A+ Member
I am starting to see little green bubbles on my rock. I know that this cant be good. Need to know what to do before it gets out of control !!
It is probably due to my nitrates. Can't seem to keep them down.:grumble:
I think the Emerald Crab could help.
Green bubbles are valonia (bubble algae). Some emerald crabs will eat them, but you can try to remove as many as possible by hand. Just don't pop them in the tank. To prevent them from coming back, treat as any other type of algae.
Manually remove them if you can without popping them like Biff said.
Emerald crabs are a hit/miss when it comes to bubble algae.I have three emeralds and still have a bit of bubble algae....they don't touch them.
You could always remove the rocks one at a time and clean them off in a bucket. But that's time consuming and you'd have to re-aquascape.
green bubbles meaning that grape algae or... green trapped air bubbles, as in Cyano? If it is the grape algae, take out the infected rocks and scrub them off. Luckily, my Regal Tang took out my grape bubble algae. If it is cyano, I am sure you know how to take care of that. Post a pic to help, it you can

I like to place the end of a siphon tube over the bubble while siphoning water I scrape the bubble off the rock with the inside of the siphon tube then the shell and its contents is siphoned away without any thing reentering tank.
doc, maybe these will help out. Hopefully you will see the bubbles I am talking about


Bubble algae. Grape Caulerpa is (macro algae) attached to branches, not singular grapes attached to the rock as it appears in these pics.
ok.... so I went and added 3 small emerald crabs last night and they did a number on the bubble algea !! I guess It was a hit or miss chance and boy did they HIT it !! It is almost gone. They also did a number on that sponge thingy that was really growing. That is almost gone to. I guess I will keep an eye on the little buggers to make sure they have enought food huh !!!
I will try to get some oics of them. Sorry... no corals yet !!
I finally saw my emeral crab he is huge. I thought it died a long time ago. Now I keep a eye on it to make sure it leaves my fish alone. So if you don't see them for awhile their in the rock munching away.
:bounce: I have no idea why I wrote that. I think it had something to do with still being on the web at nearly four in the morning. To many all nighters studying for finals. Glad they are now over! :^: