Can you ???


Reef enthusiast
Can you feed oysters that come in a can to fish and Anemones ? I'll have some left over after I put some in the dressing.
I would not use seafood from a can just because I'd be concerned about the meat absorbing metals.

I have, however, used oysters that I bought in a plastic jar. Make sure they are raw and are not seasoned with anything.
+1 Biff
You just dont know what has been added during the cooking process.

I love oyster dressing. But unfortunantly, the only other member of the family that eats it(and makes it) wont be in town this year so I wont be having any:grumble: But my father in law is making a Bob Evans sausage stuffing. Never had it before but it sounds good
OK, thanks. The rest will go down the garbage disposal...... My 2 sons are the only ones that like it. So, I make a small dish of it.