Buying Pods


Got Fish?
Has anyone had any experience buying live copepods or phytoplankton? I have a mandarin...and I'm wondering if he's getting enough food. He does eat mysis shrimp, so he's holding his own...but I thought pods would add another element to his diet. I have a fairly new tank, so I'm thinking it's not well enough established yet. I do not have a refugium. I thought this would also help to feed my corals and anemones. I'm wondering if the refrigerated pods are all they're cracked up to be.
I've never bought any of the live pods.Figured I had enough of em in my live rock.
I have bought and used frozen cyclops and rotifers,which are just zooplankton and EVERY thing in the tank loves those.
I've also used the DTs Phyto before.But when I really got to thinking about it,I figured I had enough natural phyto growing in the tank since I get that green dust algae at times.
First, nice new green VIP banner! I agree with Yote that your LR may have enough already, but to be safe (with a mandarin) you could try
Thanks Navarchus. :) Green is one of my favorite colors. :) Thanks for the tips everyone...I think I will give them a try. I'll start with
I used a bottle of pods to jump start their population in the fuge of my old 240. You should create a "pod pile" in your tank somewhere -- this is a little pile of rock rubble that has holes and crevices in it that are too small for the mandarin to reach into. This will create a safe area for the pods to reproduce, and they'll eventually spill out into the rest of the tank.
Old 240,say it ain't so.

Alas, 'tis so! I bought a house, and down-sized to a 90 gallon, and I have a little 10 gallon as well. The 240 was too much work. I grew to hate it! Plus, every rock was covered in majano and kenya weed by the time I tore it down. I ended up literally boiling over 500 lbs of live rock on the stove :shock:
look for "tiggerpods" I have been looking into making some cultures in mason jars for my 10 gallon. they are live copepods that are in a small bottle. if your culturing them you want fresh salt water not water pulled from your tank or it will fowl the culture. I have been doing some reading on it lately.
Tiggerpods are so cool. I dumped a bottle into my tank and there was a tiny droplet left in the bottom. The next day, I saw that there were a few pods in that droplet so I filled the bottle up with fresh saltwater and put a tiny bit of chaeto in it. In a week the bottle was full of pods again! Every few days I put a couple drops of phytoplankton in there. Very cool!

IPSF has a pod breeding kit you can buy: : : : : Indo-Pacific Sea Farms : : : : or you can them on ebay too.

I've also used the DTs Phyto before.But when I really got to thinking about it,I figured I had enough natural phyto growing in the tank since I get that green dust algae at times.

I do have a green dusty looking algae on top of my sand sometimes. Could that mean I already have plenty of natural phyto growing? My tank is only about six months old...
How's its belly looking?That's a good sign if it's getting enough to eat.It sure wouldn't hurt to jump start the population.

My mandarin (Marvin) looks plump. He eats frozen mysis shrimp every night for dinner. I was just thinking of jump-starting my pod population to give him a variety of food---and to help out corals and anemones and such.
look for "tiggerpods" I have been looking into making some cultures in mason jars for my 10 gallon. they are live copepods that are in a small bottle. if your culturing them you want fresh salt water not water pulled from your tank or it will fowl the culture. I have been doing some reading on it lately.

I was looking into triggerpods as well. Interesting tip on the saltwater. I hadn't read that. Thanks.