Bristleworms Everywhere


Dude Dude DUDE!!!!!!
is it normal? yesterday they started coming out of the rocks and i saw only like 3, today everwhere i look theirs one, so far i counted about 8-10 their just in and out of rocks and eating leftovers from sand, should i worry or let them be. are they asexual?

also im staring to see starshaped copecods on my glass are they good or bad looks ,like when i bug splats on the windshield lol
Bristle worm populations grow in relation to their food source.Somew will die off as the food supply drops.

I'll bet the star shaped things are astrenia stars.
Yote, I disagree about the star shaped things being asterina stars. If they look like bug splats, I bet you they are hydroids.

If they are asterinas, they are tiny starfish, which are easy to identify. If they look like clearish bug splats, they are hydroids.

And having a lot of bristleworms is fine, they will help keep your tank clean.
I had one in a piece of rock I got with a coral. I had to get rid of it, all the horror stories about them growing to monster sizes just creeped me out too much
Now Biff,
That all depends on what color the bug was before it went splat.

If their a clearish white and look kinda like snowflakes stuck to the glass,then yeah,its probable hydroid jellies.
i had a butt load of hydroid jellyfish after i bought some good rock. 2 weeks later i never saw them again. is that a good yhing they are gone?