blue tang question


Reefing newb
I have a 55 gallon tank and I was wondering if I could add a blue tang without him getting stressed and sick. I have 2 clowns and a scooter blenny. is a 55 gallon tank big enough for a blue tang?
Nope. It's rarely even big enough for a yellow tang (which, of all the tangs, require the least amount of space). Plenty of people keep blue tangs in tanks that size and smaller, but 99.9% of them end up getting ich and spread it to all the other fish in the tank. If that's a risk you are willing to take, then you can try it, but I personally would never put a blue tang in a 55 gallon tank. Or my 240! That's how bad they are for ich, I would never have one period. Doc has one and loves it, but I have never met a person that has owned one that has not had ich problems with them, regardless of the tank size.
if you are going to get a tang I would suggest a lavender tang. they are not very common at all, they don't get large at all. I had one in my 36 gal corner tank for about 5 months, then moved him to my 80 gallon. he's a super happy fish with a great personality. and they are great at cleaning. they are one of the bristletooth tangs
Biff,Hawk,and Red are right.
You can bet a months wages that if you get a blue tang,that with in the first week it'll be covered in ick.
When did Doc get an Atlantic Blue?
Are they really Ich magnets?Why haven't I read this?They couldn't be anymore than Powder Blues or Brown tang.I was thinking of getting one if I can't find a Purple.

I think a young juvi Atlantic Blue will be okay for about a year/year and a half in a 55g.Plan on upgrading if you keep one.The juvis are yellow btw and turn blue as they grow.
Atlantic blue? I thought we were talking about hippo tangs here, Freak. Usually that's what someone means when they say "blue tang".
Like duh?Okay Hippo/regal Tangs.I guess I had a brain fart!

When I heard blue,I assume Atlantic Blue.Be more specific next time.Blue could mean Atlantic Blue,Hippo or Powder Blue tangs.
Hmmmmm... I have a baby Hippo that I've had for about six months and so far he hasn't had ich. I did not quarantine this one, I have had a couple that got stressed out and died in a small QT. I dont think these fish will tolerate QT very well, at least not IME.