Big problem!!!!??? HELP

Was doing a water change today and friends came over. A friend of a friend was sticking his head over my fishtank and accidentally ashed in my tank! Yes he got a mouth shot.( hit him in his mouth) What do i do????:grumble::grumble::grumble:
Was doing a water change today and friends came over. A friend of a friend was sticking his head over my fishtank and accidentally ashed in my tank! Yes he got a mouth shot.( hit him in his mouth) What do i do????:grumble::grumble::grumble:

hit him again!!:D
Doesn't it drive you crazy when people want to get in the tank with the fish....I don't know how many times I've gotta tell people "Just look at it" you don't have to try and put your head through the glass to enjoy it.

Maybe we should all start posting price tags on our tanks..That way when they see it, they'll back away slowly.:D
Maybe next time before you start flogging people you'll confer with your friends at Living Reefs about the appropriate next steps to take....We would've at least scored you a few new coral frags....:D
Maybe next time before you start flogging people you'll confer with your friends at Living Reefs about the appropriate next steps to take....We would've at least scored you a few new coral frags....:D

This is true.:D
As reefers,we take care of our own.:mrgreen: