Big Flea


Reef enthusiast
Last night I saw what looked like a big flea, whitish-clear colored floating dead in the water column. It was curled slightly in fetus-like and looked like a big flea but it was approx. one eighth of an inch long. Also my 6-line has gone missing he appeared perfectly healthy the day before. I'm not sure there is any connection between the 6-line and the "flea". My Yellow clown goby seems fine. I guess it could be an amphipod but I've never seen anything that big.

Any ideas?
+1 dcan

its probably a pod. fish could be hiding, jumped out or died and taken care of by cleaner crew
Yeah, I checked the floor with a flashlight first thing. The surface of the water is looking slimy.
The six-line may be hiding.

And Dcan is mostly right about the flea.What you saw was probably an amphipods molted exoskeleton.
I'm wondering if he got stung by the coral and is licking his wounds under the rock. I've seen him pick food off the coral during feeding. Maybe he went to far. Does this happen?
some corals will eat fish if the coral is big enough. the thing you saw was more than likely a pod so no harm there just keep a lok out for it also look in the the back of you tank maybe it got back there somehow