Better pics


I don't work for anybody

Here is a pic my daughter took of a cleaner shrimp taking care of an itch on my Regal Angelfish. He is getting more confident in his feeding and is taking emerald entree as well as angelfish portions.


Here is a better, not so blurry side pic of the Koran. He is still in his juvenile phase, but is changing in the middle. Such an amazing creature. The picture does not do his blue coloration or size justice. It is such an incredible irridecent blue and about 6 inches long. He has got to be my favorite fish in my tank.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
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thanks for pictures..

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that hasn't figured the best way to focus on fish. Don't they know they need to stay still at least for 1 second :)
Nice fish. I love the juvenile koran, the color change is so drastic and it just like you said amazing.