Base rock before sandbed or what?


Reefing newb
Should I place my base rock and live rock in first at the bottom of the tank, or, should I place my live sand and aragonite in first at the bottom of the tank? People keep telling me different things. Whatcha think?

Rock goes on the glass. If you put the sand in first, then the rock on top, you risk having a rock slide when the sand shifts. The sand can shift due to snails, fish, starfish, or powerheads. A rock slide could crush and kill your livestock, or even worse, crack your glass and bust your whole tank. Never put the rock on top of the sand.
Aragonite sand will slowly dissolve! This is the main cause of glass breaking rock slides. No question is a bad question!

WetWebMedia (Anthony Calfo):

"Compositionally, any substrate you choose is almost certain to be made of aragonite or calcite. Both are forms of calcium carbonate, but arguably aragonite is to be favored for it’s better solubility and buffering capacity in seawater (providing necessary bio-minerals, buffering pH, and supporting calcification). Aragonite can begin to dissolve, in fact, at a high pH over 8.0 (a still safe level for marine life), while calcite does not readily dissolve until the pH falls well below 8.0. This means that calcite is not likely to impart any significant benefits (buffers/alkalinity) into the water until the pH falls to a level that is too dangerous for most marine life. In this regard, the old argument of dolomite & crushed coral versus non-calcareous freshwater "gravel" for marine aquariums in the early days was a moot point (they were all calcite). "
Sometimes something doesn't sound right in your head until someone else says it for you! Biff's got you covered, and thanks for asking the question. You can never have too much knowledge in this hobby, IMO