Awesome firefish news!!!!!


I failed Kobayashi Maru
See this thread:

Basically, since finding my firefish that I moved from the 45g to the 125 all beat up and barely swimming and breathing, I left him for dead. I had no signs of him at all after that night I found him just laying on the sand.

But today, I was shocked while staring at the big mound of sand that my pistol shrimp made. I saw him!!! I ran to the front, thinking it was the other firefish that moved from his usual spot, but he was in his usual spot. I looked again, and bingo!!! The 2nd firefish looked good, shacking up with the pistol shrimp! I saw them together. I did not get to see the firefish's tail, which I'm sure is still torn, but he looks more alive than when I saw him last! So here's hoping he'll start eating :)

Around 60 miles north of you, as a matter of fact :) Just off the I-95 corridor. How're the lfs's up your way? I only go to one in Manassas, va.
I turned off all the flow and dropped some mysis right above his cave....and out he came....not all the way, but enough for me to see he was swimming better. Got a glimpse of his tail....doesn't look as bad as last time.

The hubby shakes his head at me because I got all excited over this :)
So how long do you think a fish can survive w/o eating? I saw the firefish's tail wiggling around under the rock cave today. I hadn't seen him since the last sighting mentioned in this post, so I was back to wondering if he is alive, and I saw him again today. It's driving me nuts! I don't know if he's getting food or not. I see food floating into his cave sometimes. I wonder if the pistol is bringing food home.