Attachment methods for new corals


Reefing newb
How do you guys attach new additions to your live rock? I've still got a fairly large amount of real estate available on my live rock for new additions, but am so far very unsatisfied with how I've been securing things.

I was sold this marine-safe epoxy - comes in a plastic tube, green on the outside, white on the inside. You're supposed to break off an appropriate chunk, squeeze it between your fingers until all the green disappears and the wad is all white - then just squeeze the two pieces between the clay-like substance.

Either I'm doing something wrong, or this product sucks. Nothing has stayed secure using this product. I'd like to add more corals (and am always open for suggestions...hint hint)... but want to make sure when I buy something I can put it where I want, and it won't get knocked off it's new home by an errant net or water change hose...
Well Kevin
Theres several methods to use.I personally like to use super glue gel for hard corals.
If the corals are on plugs you can take a 3/4 concrete bit and drill a shallow hole in the rock where you want the coral.
Yep.Its just the old standard super glue.Just make sure its the gel form though.Regular super glue is to runny.
Kevin,I always use the epoxy you mentioned.Sometimes corals or plugs have to be propped up or held in place until the epoxy hardens but it always works alright for me.
i use both methods above and they work very well for me. if it is a frag i use the super glue gel, and i use the epoxy on larger colonies.
I am a whimp and don't use epoxy of any kind. I trap my corals between snug fitting rocks and they just stay there. It lets me easily move things around when I get bored with them. the softies just attach themselves where ever, obviously. I tend to pin mushrooms partially under rocks. I don't have any SPS at this point, but will when I upgrade my lighting. I may have to then. Just my :twocents:.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I do the same thing as Dr Marco. If it is an LPS, i wedge the skeleton between the LR and mushrooms I have always gotten them on a rock of some sort and just put the rock where I want and then the Mushrooms tend to migrate all over.

I've used epoxy too - it works okay, you just need to use A LOT of it. It looks ugly, but coralline will eventually cover it up and you won't notice it. Super glue gel works for smaller frags. Those are the only two things I've used.