arg, another damsel!!


So, first trip to the LFS since I got back, and I came home with 2 zoa rocks, some yellow sponge (for free!), and yes, a damselfish. I know, damselfish are terrors, and I personally hate most of them, but this one was gorgeous. It is pink/yellow/orange (almost like a fairly wrasse's colors), and I'm trying to ID it. Any ideas? It was between that and this gorgeous purple dottyback. The dotty was $40 and the damsel $5, so, since my tank is getting shut down in august, I went with the baby damsel. Didn't end up going for anther tomato clown, as originally planned. They had a gorgeous achilles tang that really made me fish I had my 150 gallon.

I think he's too little to terrorize the tank too badly, but I'm a little concerned that the bigger damsel will kill him. Hopefully not. The big damsel went after my mandarin initially, but has since 'accepted' him into the tank.

Either way, I know the fish doesn't exist until pics come out, but I'm trying to hold out until my AI Led's come in....maybe I'll take some pics anyway this weekend!
ok so Googling "honey dip damsel" comes up with some messed up NSFW pictures... all i wanted was to see what the damn fish looks like but nope...
It might be one of those, but it has a lot more pink in it. I know damsels change color significantly from their juvie form to adult, so we'll see. If he ever appears again (been missing since I put him in) I'll get pics. I've got a lot of live rock for him to hide in, so it might be a few days until he gets bold enough.

Thanks guy and galss! BTW, put a vid of my tank up under my Alex's 75 gal post
Still haven't seen her pop up since I initially saw her being chased by the bigger Damsel. Bah, hope she didn't die.

Maybe I should have went for the purple dottyback instead.
Neat fish!! I kinda like the colors on some damsels. I've always thought it would be cool to keep about 10 damsels in a 75g+ tank. The little 3-stripe damsel I rescued has plenty of personality. Kids named it Dominoe.
ok, after lots of research and tons of time looking at pics, I've decided it's a talbot's demoiselle - it's tricky, because I know a lot of damsels are very colorful and then get drab as they age. Looks like this one stays pretty nice, tho!

Chrysiptera talboti
looks like I lucked out on a foolish impulse buy; they tend to be pretty mellow, especially as far as damsels go, and have a good personality.