Aquazone Plus

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Reef enthusiast
1- Aquazone plus 100
2-Broadley-James ORP Electrode Sealed Ag/AgCI.

Question: The probe gives some calculations and charts to use to calculate the correct ORP based on diff. temps. The Aquazone gives the readout of the ORP. So do you set the Aquazone to the 350 wanted or do you have to use the probe tables and adjust as the probe constant is 202. so if aquazone is set at 150 and the probe constant is 202 = 357. or, do you just set the aquazone to 350 and call it good. anyone know for sure???
Ok I got my answer. as long as the probe is an Ag/AgCI no math is needed with the red sea Aquazone plus controller. just set the controller to the ORP desired follow directions that came with it and you are set. I Brought on line My pin point ORP monitor to compare and yep, it checked out. just set the controller and you're good. PM me if questions on this thread.
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