anyone have a lunar wrass


Dude Dude DUDE!!!!!!
AKA Lyretail Wrasse on liveaquarian it says they wont eat coral but its conscidered NOT reef safe what the....ummm why

i guess that leads to another question (sorry biff for asking 2 in 1)

what does RC(reef compatible) and NRC(not reef compatible) mean

i tought if it nips or eats coral its NRC but if it leave alone its RC

Not reef safe also means that it will eat other fish, crabs, snails and shrimp (your cleaner crew). The lunar wrasse will eat those guys.

Reef compatible means that the fish PROBABLY won't eat corals, other fish, or your cleaner crew. Not reef compatible means that it will make a meal out of someone else in your tank.

I have one. I have had him for a year. He is about 5 inches long. He is in with proper tankmates: big ones. He lives with a blue ring angelfish, a Niger trigger, a flame angel, a white-eyed moray eel and a maroon clown. He ain't gonna eat anybody. He is also in with snails, crabs, and two cleaner shrimp. He has not eaten anybody, cuz he gets fed a lot. that is the trick. Keep him fat and happy and he won't touch a thing. Go on vacation and not feed can kiss someone good-bye.


I have one. I have had him for a year. He is about 5 inches long. He is in with proper tankmates: big ones. He lives with a blue ring angelfish, a Niger trigger, a flame angel, a white-eyed moray eel and a maroon clown. He ain't gonna eat anybody. He is also in with snails, crabs, and two cleaner shrimp. He has not eaten anybody, cuz he gets fed a lot. that is the trick. Keep him fat and happy and he won't touch a thing. Go on vacation and not feed can kiss someone good-bye.



hes so colorful and so FULL of energy i may get him tommorow
JC, SLOW DOWN ON ADDING FISH!!!!!!! Don't add more than one fish every two or three weeks. The bacteria in your tank needs time to catch up with the added bioload.
all i have is those cleaners and the powder brown was taken outand replaced with a coral beauty March 1st and yesterdays orange spotten goby

the beauty is about 3inches

and goby is about 2.5

oh and the soft corals

did i reach my limit already for the triweek
You are asking if adding three fish in one week is too much, when you had one fish in there before, and it was removed? Yes.

Add NO MORE than one fish every three weeks or so. Especially in a new tank that doesn't have a lot of fish in it already.

hes so colorful and so FULL of energy i may get him tommorow

It is about time SOMEBODY figured out how cool I really am. I have been trying to convince Biff of this fact for well over a year. How much smarter are you since you have figure this out in a matter of weeks. GOOD FOR YOU!!!

As for getting the fish, don't. You need to be done for the next few weeks. If you are totally desperate, buy it and leave it in the LFS for the next 10 days. Make sure it is eating. If your LFS will keep it for you, secure it with cash and leave it there.

well the reason I said it like that was bcause every fish I like or look active seems to not be reef safe

But biff carries a big stick too plus when I joined you were MIA doc so biff takes my vote
<heavily laiden with sarcasm> eh, don't get the wrasse then. Listen to Biff. Seems like you think she is smarter than me anyway...:grumble:

The wrasse shouldn't eat those polyps. There are hardly any fish that will eat those. Those are an excellent choice for a new tank too, one of the best beginner corals.