

Blenny Badlands
Who has 'em? What variety do you have?

I am thinking about getting the Lyretail Anthias as a trio, or quartet, with one male, the others female. They are on sale at Live Aquaria :) I was reading thier bio, and they are listed as semi-agressive and they may kill more peaceful tank mates. This seems to contradict my understanding of this species. Does anyone else have the Lyretails? If so, have you noticed any aggression?
Aggression yes but nothing life threatening.My male lyretail is the only one aggressive,the female is as peaceful as can be.What is it about males with anger management problems?My male lyretail squabbles with my male bartletts.It's actually pretty cute when they slap each other with there tails.He does try to herd the females but they ignor him.

Although they rarely succumb to worms.They still can carry worms so QT and deworming is highly recommended.I have a male housed with two females with bartletts and carberryis too.BTW,check the Diver's Den for groups,many times they have them already with a male and two females at least and they already been dewormed to boot.

Good luck!
I've never noticed any aggression from any of the anthias at the LFS.They will however hold their own against other more aggressive fish.Anthias dont back down.
I'd say get em.:D
I have talked to them on the phone a few years ago.The only ones that are dewormed are in the Diver's Den section.If that has changed,I've haven't heard anything.It wouldn't hurt to give them a call to check if they do in the regular section.

Personally,I don't think a decent size reef system is complete without them.
I did have them house with very big Clarks(male and female).They both had to go,the female clown nipped the tailfin on most of the anthias.
Gaaa!! Fortunately, my big female clown is sitting in time out with my hippo tang. I can't think of a better time to add a more peaceful fish. It stands a better chance of NOT being hazed in the first couple of days.
You just never know with fish when it comes to aggression.I use to have the most docile mated pair of maroon clowns.It's worth a shot if you decide to go for it.14 bucks is pretty tempting,right?
I `ve had the Bartlett`s anthias and the purple Queen. The only down side is that they have to be fed a few times a day and they need plenty of plankton to eat. Both of those conditions are a recipe for foul water conditions. You`ll need a good skimmer and frequent PWC`s.
I've kept lyretail, dispar and sunburst. They only need to be fed frequently at first. Over a few weeks, you can get them on a less-frequent feeding schedule with the rest of your tank.
I'm down to twice a day for nearly a year now.I don't necessarily feed more food,I just split up the feeding. and mix it up a bit.Maybe a little freeze dried plankton/cyclops for lunch and frozen cyclops/mysis mixed with a little selcon for dinner.